Stop Indulging Your Loved Ones in the Way That No Longer Supports You


- Feeling the way you're relating to a friend or loved one has changed?

- Feel an increasing sense of heaviness, irritability, disconnectedness around them?

- Or maybe you're feeling like what once felt fun with them now feels draining to you and more often than not—you feel that you're no longer on the same page...

👉 Allow yourself to acknowledge your truth: Maybe things have changed—that maybe you've changed

Not sure? Let's keep going:

- Are you gaslighting yourself that things are fine and you should be grateful for them & suck it up?

- Are you bypassing how you feel, how your body & nervous system is responding in their presence?

- Have you been convincing yourself for far too long that this is just a phase & will pass...

🤔 Are you guilting yourself into doing something you don't actually want to or feel good about anymore because...

—They need you...

—You owe them for all those times they've been there for you...

—It's not that big of a deal to do x, y, z for them (even though you don't really want to)...

—But you've got so much history together

—You'll get over it, any time now 🤔...

👉 YOU KNOW YOU'RE ALLOWED TO CHANGE...In fact you are & we all are all the time

- You're allowed to support yourself in a different way than you used to

- You're allowed to no longer be interested in things that you used to be interested in

- You're allowed to change your perspective & preferences

- You're allowed to be grateful for what was but you're also not locked down and need to relate to someone in the same way you used to

The thing is maybe you've been evolving to a point where certain relationships in your life no longer feel as interesting, relatable, loving, or even safe for you anymore

They say a big part of who we are is heavily influenced by the top 5 people we surround ourselves with in our life

Sometimes we outgrow people

I'm not saying you have to ditch a dear friend that you're no longer relating to like you used to but....

- Maybe it's time to reevaluate what you're available for?

- Maybe you're less available for specific activities...

- Maybe you prefer to text more vs chat via phone...

- Maybe you're no longer available to be a dumping ground for their unlimited venting & complaining...

- Maybe you feel like you could use some more lightness & connection & get curious about where else you can cultivate it

It's ok for you to change your mind

As seasons change, so do relationships

Sometimes we lose people along the way

And sometimes friendships take a different form

What's most important is to not lose yourself

Being true to what you need, being aware of your energy levels—who fills you up vs who drains you—reevaluating what you're available for or not

This is some important food for thought

You owe yourself the truth

You get to nourish yourself & your spirit by protecting & honoring your energy


Have You Ever Outgrown Any of Your Friendships/ Relationships?