Cringe Moment at the Grocery Store

😬 CRINGE MOMENT— I was at the grocery store yesterday next in line at the check out while an older gentleman in front of me was checking out.

The bagger, a sweet 76 year young lady was bagging his groceries.

She asked him how many soda bottles he wanted in one bag so it’s not too heavy.

He said–It doesn’t matter. I’m strong. You look older than me 😬 but I can do it.

The bagger noticeably looked flustered, embarrassed, like she felt the OUCH of hearing that comment from him.

The man tried to back peddle a little bit but he put his foot in his mouth.

The bagger smiled, collected herself, and became even nicer to him tending to him with his groceries.

It was fairly clear that she internalized his words, "brushed it off" like it wasn't a big deal and then did what so many folks especially women do ...

She was even more helpful, tending to his grocery needs even more…. this A-hole that did NOT deserve it.

So often we internalize the sh!t people say to us…trying to minimize the hurt, it's no big deal, they didn't really mean it ....

But it's important to recognize & NOT dismiss that a HURT happened to her & that was NOT okay.

I told her —What he said was NOT okay and was MEAN.

I wanted her to know I witnessed what happened and it was NOT right.

It was hurtful (whether intentional or not), and to remind her that this was not a her problem but foot in the mouth problem by some jerk

Part of her did internalize it because she told me —I know what I am but I’m 76 and strong

"I know what I am, but….?!!!"

Nope…we’re gonna have none of that…

I told her–What you ARE is a 76 year young Beauty who is Strong, Powerful, and Didn’t deserve that.

So next time some a-hole decides to put their opinion or beliefs on you…

- Remember it’s NOT yours to take on….

- It’s NOT yours to internalize & believe it’s true…cause it’s NOT

- Having the awareness that you have a CHOICE to believe something or NOT is crucial here…

- You get to remind yourself…NOPE. NOT TRUE. That is mean. It hurts. I don’t deserve that. That was wrong.

- You get to be your own witness allowing in only what is loving and is in service for Your Highest & Best.

Don’t let A-hole with a foot-in-mouth problem move you from seeing yourself as who you ARE

✨YOU ARE Magnificent, Beautiful, Brilliant, Powerful, Strong, Worthy, Enough, Precious, & Sacred✨

And don’t you forget that!

Love & Hugs 🥰

P.S. I'm a Life & Hypno coach.

I help you rewire your brain to create real change fast!

...Like not feeling impacted by other people's opinions of you

...Like feeling so confident that you're able to set healthy boundaries with ease

...Like not allowing other people to have blanket access to you & instead let people know how you want to be treated and expect nothing less

Book a Play Date call with me and we can talk about how I can specifically support you.

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So Many People Aren’t Happy


How you see someone in your mind, is the best they’ll ever be in your presence